
skip the google search, get clarity and answers 

Pregnancy to Parenthood

You wanna do it your way and we’re here to help

With the Platform membership you’ll get unwavering parental education and support

late nights. early mornings. who needs sleep anyways…

You do! You want to create #thebestlife for you and your family but doing this can sometimes feel overwhelming. Because the overwhelm of #allthethings, #beingperfect and a gazillion other things are a lot of noise that you don’t need. So we’ve made you a roadmap to follow so you can feel confident about the future of your family life, from pregnancy to parenthood.

We believe that you should have the tools you need to lay a healthy foundation for you and your family, which is why we’ve created Parentpiphany! We’ve jammed packed it with parenting strategies, tools and tips from a-to-z wrapped up in an accessible platform. You need someone to help you figure it out, and that’s OK because we’re here to help you learn, grow and be inspired.


parenting doesn’t come with an instruction manual

And there’s defeintely no one-size fits all approach

Having a baby can be hard. Welcoming a baby can be hard. Parenting can be hard. Some days, it probably feels like you’re #killinit as a parent. But other days feel more like parenting is killing you… we’ve been there and we get it!

We strive to be givers of practical knowledge, tactics and strategies. We will help you meet your personal goals and support you along the way…

with a few simple changes you could:


Wake up every day empowered to do and be your best!


Feel and be 100% capable of handling #allthethings!


Thrive, not just survive!


Set goals that are worth achieving!

This is a is a game-changer for parents

How Parentpiphany works

Unlock community, courses and strategies in three simple steps


Sign up and become a Platform member


Watch course videos and build community


Apply what you’ve learned and thrive as a parent

Ready To Thrive?

Check out our amazing membership benefits


Virtual Support. Access to a responsive Team Parentpiphany who are invested in your success!


Community. Think Facebook but without the Ads and drama. Get access to and engage with Team Parentpiphany and supportive parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Bite-sized help. We know you’re busy, so each video is quick and practical.


Simple tools, tips + strategies. We keep it simple. Period. 


Instant, on-demand access. Work through the courses and lessons at your own pace. 


Discounts. You’ll receive discounts on our merch.


Evidence-based, proven strategies. The information provided and methods presented are backed by clinical research and experience. 

and so much more… you’ll have to find out for yourself

Oh, and let’s not forget the bonus…

Enjoy 52 weeks of email communications that feature tips, tools and ideas about how to best achieve your pregnancy, postpartum and parenting goals.

The inside scoop on

Parentpiphany Courses

Parentpiphany Pregnancy


Equip yourself to birth on your terms! Get everything you need to know about pregnancy, labor and delivery and the immediate hours after birth with Hello Pregnancy, our prenatal and pregnancy course. This course is designed to ensure you are informed (to your comfort level) to make the best decisions for you and your baby.


Navigate the fourth trimester and the months after confidently. This pack includes everything you need to know for those early days, weeks and months with your newborn. Birthing people, you’ll also get the knowledge, tools and strategies on how to heal and recover after birth.


For many of us life’s biggest transition is becoming a parent. Our early parenthood course will equip you with the knowledge, tools and strategies for early parenthood.  Establish strong routines to help manage your family and home.

Be a Parentpiphany Contributor

Productivity & Work

Not only will you learn about how to upgrade your systems but your daily life along with it. Working parent? We’ll help you think through parental leave and re-entry into the workplace after baby’s arrival.

Ready to stop feeling defeated?

Start feeling like the rad parent you are!

Get knowledge. Get support. Get sanity-saving strategies. 

Join for just $47/month to unlock four amazing courses, new tips and workshops every month and access to community so you never feel unclear in your parenting journey again! 

The price you pay today at signup is your renewal price for as long as you remain a member. Lock it in — NOW! As soon as you join, you’ll be redirected to our membership dashboard.

While The Membership is valued at over $2k, your membership gets you in the door for a fraction of the cost. Plus, enjoy a savings on Merch items when you join!

This sounds amazing!!
but I just don’t have the $$$ right now

We totally get it. In the meantime, sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Instagram and when the time is right you can sign up to thrive!

Still not sure?

you’ve got nothing to lose but lots to gain


EMPOWER YOURSELF. By enrolling in our membership program it will boost your confidence; and it will make you feel proud and accomplished, just as you should feel!


REDUCE STRESS. No more worrying about where to get answers, no more anxiety and sleepless nights, no more stressing about juggling all the things in life while raising a family.


SAVE MONEY. Our membership is super affordable. Let’s put it this way, compared to hiring a doula and childbirth educator where you’ll likely spend anywhere between $1000-$3000. 


IT’S SUPER SIMPLE. Parentpiphany was designed with you in mind. Nothing is too complicated – just follow the detailed and straightforward instructions and voilà! Learn as much or as little as you choose.


IT’S COMPLETE. We thought of everything so you don’t have to! We tied all the loose ends, connected all the dots, put all the pieces together – to create the most holistic pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood courses on the market.


IT’S ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE. You will have access to your courses as long as keep your membership active. That’s right, not weeks or months. We will be by your side for as long as you need us. Imagine having continuous support from pregnancy to parenthood.

Lingering Questions?

We’Ve got answers to some comment questions
Who is Parentpiphany for?

Parentpiphany offers courses for expectant parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. If you’re not seeing a course on a topic you’re interested in, let us know here!

What does Parentpiphany's platform membership include?

Parentpiphany’s online platform is composed of The Academcy courses foucsed on education from pregnancy to parenthood; The Toolbox, monthly relseases of tools and strategies for parents to implement; and The Community, an online member exclusive community for parents to come together and share their experiences. 

Will insurance cover the cost of Parentpiphany's courses?

You can request a Certificate of Completion after completing our Hello Pregnancy (childbirth education) course and submit the certificate to your insurance. While every insurance policy is different and we are unable to guarantee coverage for your course, many plans offer reimbursement for prenatal courses.

Is the membership program offered in another language?

Currently, Parentpiphany classes are offered in English. 

Who do I contact about press and partnerships?

We love connecting with new people! Please contact us at hello@parentwithclarity.com or complete our contact form to inquire about press and partnership opportunities.

Are refunds available?

Due to the nature of the membership site and the fact that we are giving your employees instant access to all materials, no refunds will be given at all as you can cancel anytime. But trust us when we say you won’t ever ask for one because they’ll love it so much!

If you do not want to be charged again for your membership fee, please be sure to cancel your membership on our website under your account before your next charge is to be made. If you are having trouble canceling it on your own, please email us at members@parentwithclarity.com.

Already A member but having trouble logging in?

Can’t login to your account? Don’t worry; we can help! Sometimes you simply need to reset your password. If you can still cannot login email us at members@parentwithclarity.com  with the subject “Please reset my member account.” 

P.S. we see a lot of people accidently put their email address as .CON instead of .COM so maybe check there first. Once logged in you can correct your email address. You can login here.

Still on the fence?

Let’s make sure we’re a good fit for your needs.
DM us on Insta @parent.with.clarity

Before you go, check out these courses

1:1 coaching

With our coaching program, parents will get the one-on-one support, connection and guidance. We will will thought-partner with you during life’s biggest transitions so that you feel confident in your choices. Working directly with the Parent With Clarity Team is your game changer moment! We’ll turn you into a problem solving, mindful, action-taking parent.

Live classes

We offer live classes and online, on-demand courses to best compliment your learning style and situation. If you’re ready to register for a live class head to the schedule. Otherwise check out our all our classes and courses. Join us monthly as we get together to listen, learn, ask questions and share. Get connected, talk and let us listen and just be there for you. From time to time guest speakers will join us so that you can gain tips and knowledge along the journey of parenthood!

Doula Support

If you’re looking for more hands on help and support, we’ve got you covered.  Rest easy knowing exceptional prenatal and postpartum care is a video call, text and email away by hiring a certified birth and postpartum doula.  Our doula support is 100% virtual; we’ll check-in daily and though-partner before and after birth.

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How to Get Kids to Bed on Time: Effective Bedtime

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Get unwavering support

skip the google search and get answers to all of your pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood questions

Having a family is probably the most rewarding, best decision you ever made. You love it, but you are overwhelmed by #allthethings. Trust us, we get it!

Like you we understand the uncertainty, anxiety and stress that can come with becoming a parent and being a parent. Like you we struggled (silently) with our inability to manage all the things in our life: running a household, relationships, work and raising a family. Doing all the things left us feeling unaccomplished, uninspired and resentful.

Sound familiar? 

What you need is someone to help you organize the chaos and that’s what we’re best at!

We help overwhelmed parents (and parents to be) create a functioning homelife to tame the chaos of their everyday lives while providing tons of knowledge on all things, pregnancy to early parenthood.


let’s get real

parenting doesn’t come with an instruction manual

there is no one-size fits all approach

Having a baby can be hard. Welcoming a baby can be hard. Parenting can be hard. Some days, it probably feels like you’re #killinit as a parent. But other days feel more like parenting is killing you… we’ve been there and we get it!

We strive to be givers of practical knowledge, tactics and strategies. We will help you meet your personal goals and support you along the way…


What if a few simple changes you could:

Wake up every day empowered to do and be your best!


Feel and be 100% capable of handling #allthethings!


Thrive, not just survive!


Set goals that are worth achieving!

the Platform

is a game-changer for parents who want to learn things like:



Common Interventions


Labor process


Comfort measures



Bringing Your Baby Home


Your Baby’s Health & Wellness


How Birth Shapes Postpartum



Parenting Philosophies




Childcare Options

And you want to 

Organize your life

Here’s How It Works

Unlock community, courses and strategies by becoming a member of the Platform! 

Get Educated

When you sign up you’ll receive video & written tutorials broken up into easy-to-digest lessons within our courses. Each lesson contains practical and actionable advice. Current courses include: Hello Pregnancy (learn to birth without fear), Hello Postpartum (confidently navigate the fourth trimester) and Hello Parenthood (learn how to manage all the challenges of being a parent). 


Get access to a private online community where you can discuss, ask questions and collaborate with others. We’ve created our very own social communtiy (think Facebook but without the Ads and drama) housed within our Platform site. Our community is exclusively for members only you’ll find an amazing community and a reliable resource. 

Virtual Support

We offer a plethora of support. Participate in Q&A sessions where we share tips, updates and answer your questions. Access our toolbox where you’ll find helpful tools and tips. Every month we’ll publish a new video, sharing tips and advice. In these monthly videos we’ll talk strategy and ideas for juggling #allthethings pregnancy to parenthood. Our #1 goal is to inspire & empower you.  

Ready To Thrive?

Check out these amazing membership benefits

What you get…


Virtual Support. Access to a responsive Team Parentpiphany who are invested in your success!


Community. Think Facebook but without the Ads and drama. Get access to and engage with Team Parentpiphany and supportive parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Bite-sized help. We know you’re busy, so each video is quick and practical.


Simple tools, tips + strategies. We keep it simple. Period. 


Instant, on-demand access. Work through the courses and lessons at your own pace. 


Evidence-based, proven strategies. The information provided and methods presented are backed by clinical research and experience. 


Access to Parentpiphany Courses.

  • Hello Pregnancy
  • Hello Postpostum
  • Hello Parenthood
Explore our available courses here

Oh, and let’s not forget the bonuses…

Bonus: Enjoy 52 weeks of email communications that feature tips, tools and ideas about how to best achieve your pregnancy, postpartum and parenting goals.

and so much more… you’ll have to find out for yourself

Ready to stop feeling defeated?

Start feeling like the rad parent you are

Get knowledge. Get support. Get sanity-saving strategies. 

Ready to Begin?

View our membership Plans

The price you pay today at signup is your renewal price for as long as you remain a member. Lock it in! As soon as you join, you’ll be redirected to our membership dashboard.

Monthly Renewal



Monthly commitment

Easy to upgrade later

5% off special events

Quarterly Renewal



3-Month Commitment

Easy to upgrade later

5% off special events

Annual Renewal


1-Full Year of Commitment
2 Months Free
10% off special events

Lifetime* Renewal


*limited time offer
Cost = less than $17/month
10% off special events

Still not sure?

you’ve got nothing to lose but lots to gain

EMPOWER YOURSELF. By enrolling in our membership program it will boost your confidence; and it will make you feel proud and accomplished, just as you should feel!


REDUCE STRESS. No more worrying about where to get answers, no more anxiety and sleepless nights, no more stressing about juggling all the things in life while raising a family.


SAVE MONEY. Our membership is super affordable. Let’s put it this way, compared to hiring a doula and childbirth educator where you’ll likely spend anywhere between $1000-$3000. 


IT’S SUPER SIMPLE. Parentpiphany was designed with you in mind. Nothing is too complicated – just follow the detailed and straightforward instructions and voilà! Learn as much or as little as you choose.


IT’S COMPLETE. We thought of everything so you don’t have to! We tied all the loose ends, connected all the dots, put all the pieces together – to create the most holistic pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood courses on the market.


IT’S ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE. You will have access to your courses as long as keep your membership active. That’s right, not weeks or months. We will be by your side for as long as you need us. Imagine having continuous support from pregnancy to parenthood.

Lingering Questions?

We’Ve got answers to your questions here

This sounds amazing but I just don't have the $$$ right now

We totally get it. In the meantime, sign up for our newsletter and when the time is right you can sign up to thrive!
