
Got Questions?

We’ve got answers… check them out!

For Employers

Who is Parentpiphany for?

Parentpiphany offers courses for expectant parents and caregivers of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. If you’re not seeing a course on a topic you’re interested in, let us know here!

What does Parentpiphany's platform membership include?

Parentpiphany’s online platform is composed of The Academcy courses foucsed on education from pregnancy to parenthood; The Toolbox, monthly relseases of tools and strategies for parents to implement; and The Community, an online member exclusive community for parents to come together and share their experiences. 

Will insurance cover the cost of Parentpiphany's courses?

You can request a Certificate of Completion after completing our Hello Pregnancy (childbirth education) course and submit the certificate to your insurance. While every insurance policy is different and we are unable to guarantee coverage for your course, many plans offer reimbursement for prenatal courses.

Is the membership program offered in another language?

Currently, Parentpiphany classes are offered in English. 

Who do I contact about press and partnerships?

We love connecting with new people! Please contact us at hello@parentwithclarity.com or complete our contact form to inquire about press and partnership opportunities.

Are refunds available?

Due to the nature of the membership site and the fact that we are giving you instant access to all materials, no refunds will be given at all as you can cancel anytime. But trust us when we say you won’t ever ask for one because you’ll love it so much!

If you do not want to be charged again for your membership fee, please be sure to cancel your membership on our website under your account before your next charge is to be made. If you are having trouble canceling it on your own, please email us at members@parentwithclarity.com.

already a member?

Can’t login to your account? Don’t worry; we can help! Sometimes you simply need to reset your password. If you can still cannot login email us at members@parentwithclarity.com  with the subject “Please reset my member account.” 

P.S. we see a lot of people accidently put their email address as .CON instead of .COM so maybe check there first. Once logged in you can correct your email address.
