Even From A Distance, We Got You


March 20, 2020

Even From A Distance, We Got You

You’ve seen the news and you’re concerned

We understand that many parents are concerned with going outside their house for non-essentials and meeting people due to COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus. Due to the pandemic hospitals across the country have shut down childbirth education classes and have limited birth support. If you’re pregnant or needing postpartum support Parentpiphany can help you. We have and will continue to offer our services entirely online to best serve our customers. That’s right Parentpiphany is 100% online. We communicate via chat via text, messenger, email, phone and video calls. And we’re working on developing module classes so you can have 24/7 access; stay tuned!

So why should you look to virtual support?

Your doctor’s visits just don’t feel long enough to cover everything or you have questions in between appointments. Virtual support is the perfect choice for parents wanting access to a knowledgeable expert during their pregnancy or postpartum recovery but either cannot or don’t want in-person support. 

As doulas, childbirth educators and home management experts we provide guidance and support to all parents. We help you navigate all of your options from pre-pregnancy to parenthood.  With virtual support your growing family needs are no longer limited to your immediate area — being virtual offers choice and diversity.  

Do you wish you had a trusted and knowledgeable person you could text, call, video conference or email with questions?

If your answer is YES then check out these amazing benefits of working Parentpiphany. 

More Technology, More Ways to Communicate

Smartphones and social media mean you don’t have to be next to someone to communicate effectively.  Most communication through the internet is in written form. This form of communication often allows you to pay close attention and reflect on your thoughts and feelings prior to them being expressed.  As a client, you can easily shoot a text message to us. As this is an integral part of communication and interaction we understand the value and importance of returning client messages in a reasonable and timely manner.


Not only are we accessible via phone, email and text messaging but by offering our services remotely The Doula Couple can now serve a bigger audience and reach a larger geographical region.  Clients residing in rural or remote areas where there are no doula services can benefit from the accessibility of our various services. 


Working with Parentpiphany allows for maximum flexibility for overworked and over-committed parents.  Being able to integrate our services as needed is a great option for many.  


Parents often see having access to an expert as a luxury and while that may be the case it doesn’t have to mean exclusivity. At Parentpiphany we strive to ensure our services are inclusive; parents can customize our  services and there is no minimum purchase. Each session with Parentpiphany is purposeful, focused giving you the tools and strategies that will bring the most valuable to you at an affordable price.

Does it sound like Parentpiphany is right for you? Are you ready to thrive?  

Learn more about our virtual doula support services and check out our online store. Don’t forget to join the Parentpiphany community. Share with us, leave your thoughts in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

Authored by Sharita Thompson, M.Ed, HBCE
