
Helping Overwhelmed and Burntout parents thrive

Get clarity as you parent without sacrificing your well-being + relationships


an innovative learning platform


founded by parents for parents


unapologetically parent your way

Helping Overwhelmed and Burntout parents thrive

Get clarity as you parent without sacrificing your well-being + relationships


an innovative learning platform


founded by parents for parents


unapologetically parent your way

The Parent with clarity™ Platform

A space where vulnerability and education coincide

🎯 Imagine submerging yourself in your pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood goals.
😍 Imagine the relationships that will strengthen

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new parent, a parent to many or a parent-to-be, we created Parent With Clarity to be accessible for everyone who is looking for less overwhelm and more clarity as they grow their families and raise their children. With our courses and services you’ll thrive from pregnancy to parenthood while managing #allthethings. 

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin

Get the inside scoop on our
courses and membership


Evidence-based, practical and helpful tips


Designed for everyone, no matter their stage in life


Easily accessible over the internet; meaning you can access them whenever and wherever you choose


The tips and tools you need to confidently lay a healthy family foundation 


Helpful downloads for easy reference!


Composed of bite-sized videos make it easy to work at a pace that works with your schedule.

Get clear on your vision ∙ Define your priorites ∙ ditch overwhelm

Join me in the classroom as I cover:

overcome burnout and thrive

If you’re looking for comprehensive, instant and flexible pregnancy to early parenthood education then you’re in the right place!

Stop struggling, get clarity and start strategizing throughout life’s biggest transitions!

Parentpiphany Courses

If you’re looking for comprehensive, instant and flexible pregnancy to early parenthood education then you’re in the right place. 

3 courses bundled together to prepare for whatever stage you’re at in growing your family. 

Raise your hand
if parenting leaves you feeling…

 😰Anxious because of how much you have to do tomorrow and it never making real progress
✔We’ll help to take away the fear and add clarity to your life!

🐹Like you’re on a hamster wheel… never making real progress
We’ll teach you how to set goals and stick to them!

😕 Unable to focus on what matters
We’ll help you form a strategy to tackle all the things!

⚠️Overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout because you’re stressed and overcommitted

💔 Exhausted and unable to enjoy quality time with your loved ones
✔Exhausted and unable to enjoy quality time with your loved ones

Need a little tough love to learn how to get out of your own way? 
Well we created a solution…

What you need is someone to help you
organize the chaos…

That’s what Sharita is best at!

Parent With Clarity is more than a learning platform; it is an opportunity for parents to work with me. 

Let me share a little about myself. I’m a small-town Arizona mom obsessed with all things pregnancy, postpartum and parenthood. I’m changing the way in which parents can be supported while managing their EVERYDAY lives.

My passion is helping parents learn + achieve their goals while finding joy + gratitude, no matter where they are in their journey.

I know first-hand that life with children (or when you’re expecting) can feel wild, crazy and unexpected — don’t worry — I help make stressful situations, tasks and chores simple and approachable.

Stop, Drop & Listen!

The Clarity Hour Podcast

It’s not easy hosting a podcast; help us out!

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where parent education meets lifestyle inspiration

The Blog
Parenting Black & Brown Children Recap and Replay

Parenting Black & Brown Children Recap and Replay

Recap: This past weekend I joined 5 incredible women as we discussed parenting Black and Brown children in the United States.  To say 2020 has been challenging is probably the understatement of the year. So my sister, Kwamara Thompson, Founder of TEC brought a group...

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